
Birch Creek Residency. Visita multitudinaria.

La noche del 8 al 9 de Abril cayó una nevada bastante copiosa. 
Imagen de la fachada principal de Birch Creek Residency.

Vistas desde la ventana de la cocina.

Como podéis ver en las imágenes recibimos una visita multitudinaria...

8 de Abril. Charla en el Snow College e inauguración en el Central Utah Art Center

Imagen en el Snow College explicando mi trabajo, fuentes de inspiración etc..

Photographs of the opening courtesy of Adam Shaw.

Photograph courtesy of Jason Metcalf.


The Matter of Words. BYU Museum of Art.

Last thursday April 7 th was the opening of  the exhibition The Matter of Words at the BYU Museum of Art.

Artists: Adam Bateman, Harrel Fletcher and John Fraser.

As you are able to see by the photographs, Adam Bateman´s sculpture, titled fourth thousand years , made with books, domains the space of the gallery.
14 teen  feet  tall, 16 teen feet wide, 20 feet deep.
weith: 83.000 pounds, 40 ton aprox.


Views of the exhibition at the Central Utah Art Center. Imágenes de la exposición en el Central Utah Art Center.

Untitled. Photography. 101 x 75,8 cm. 2010.

Untitled. Acrylic on canvas. 117 x 96,5 cm. 2011.

Untitled. Acrylic on paper. 48,3 x 61 cm. 2011.

Untitled. Acrylic on paper. 48,3 x 61 cm. 2011.

Untitled. Acrylic on paper. 48,3 x 61 cm. 2011.

Untitled. Acrylic on paper. 48,3 x 61 cm. 2011.

Untitled. Acrylic on canvas. 41 x 41 cm. 2011.

Untitled. Acrylic on canvas. 51 x 40,5 cm. 2011.

Untitled. Acrylic on canvas. 117 x 86,5 cm. 2011.

Untitled. Acrylic on paper. 30,5 x 23 cm. 2010.

Untitled. Acrylic on paper. 30,5 x 23 cm. 2010.

Untitled. Acrylic on paper. 30,5 x 23 cm. 2010.

Untitled. Acrylic on paper. 30,5 x 23 cm. 2010.

Untitled. Photography. 50 x 38 cm. 2010.

Untitled. Photography. 50 x 38 cm. 2010.

Untitled. Acrylic on canvas. 53,5 x 40,5 cm. 2011.

Untitled. Photography. 101 x 75,8 cm. 2010.

Photographs  of paintings and gallery space courtesy of Jason Metcalf.